June 30, 2021

Pinned post, callout and quick widget access

Pinned post

Fantastic news for fans of pinning everything. Today we are releasing one of the most wanted features — the ability to pin a post at the top of the page.

You can presently pin only one post at the top of your blog. If you decide to pin another post, this action would remove the previously pinned post.

How to pin a post

  1. Open post’s settings
  2. Scroll down and toggle the “Pin Post” switch
  3. Pick an optional highlight color
  4. Publish and enjoy the beauty of a pinned post


We’ve added “Callout” — a spanking new widget that allows you to highlight desired content. It’s important to know that you can literally highlight any type of content, including other widgets: images, lists, quotes, video and the rest.

And that’s how it looks in real life. Yummy. 😎

Quick access to widgets

We’ve made two updates to widgets.

Firstly, we’ve improved the widget workflow. Starting today, you can hit the / key on a new line. A widget drop down menu would appear. As you continue typing the name of the widget, the search would automatically filter the list down to the desired one. Once you have the wanted feature selected, hit ↩ to activate its function.

Secondly, those widgets that are used more frequently will be displayed within the first three positions in the widget drop-down menu. A small change with a big usability impact.