February 27, 2020

Teletype bots

If you read this you were visited by one of our bots.

All our bots user-agents:

  • Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; TeletypeLinkEnricher/1.0.0; +https://journal.teletype.in/bots) — enriches links with meta or media content. Makes GET-requests with max 5 requests per second per domain. Always accepts robots.txt.
  • Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; TeletypeImporter/1.0.0; +https://journal.teletype.in/bots) — impors articles from site to Teletype. Makes GET-requests with no concurency. Can ignore robots.txt in some cases.
  • Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; TeletypeLinkUnwrapper/1.0.0; +https://journal.teletype.in/bots) — unwraps link redirects. Makes only HEAD-requests. Ignores robots.txt.
  • Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; TeletypeImageAnalyzer/1.0.0; +https://journal.teletype.in/bots) — analyzes images for junk-content. Makes GET-requests with 2-4 requests per second per domain. Ignores robots.txt.

Message us by email if you have any complaints.